
Showing posts from March, 2013


Here are some pretty flowers which grow on the base, they are just for my sister who isn't so keen on some of the animal of the week posts.

cake sale

At the moment the worship team are trying to raise money for new equipment for the chapel. I made some Cupcakes. Not only did I have a good time making them but raised £25 from them! Every little helps!

Epic Animal of the week

I was SO happy to have a cuddle with a sloth!!!

Blog news

Someone in the US just looked at the blog, they were our 20,000th blog viewer!! Thanx for visiting!!

normal life

 As well as working in the Boy's home  during the week, coordinating the Sponsorship, training the boys for the world of work, we also do normal life stuff. So I thought I would post a few pics of this weekend ( a one day weekend as we start with the yearly staff conference tomorrow-DULL!). Friday night we spent doing a BBQ to thank two Danish volunteers that came and fixed all the irritating DIY things in the house. Saturday was spent doing normal life.. getting in food for the next week, doing laundry and fixing things! I made Hot Cross Buns, as next week we also only have one day weekend and I wanted to celebrate Easter in someway! BBQ to thank the Danish Guys fixing the broken door we inherited with the flat! MMMmmmmm! the worker enjoys a tasty break!

Animal of the week

This is one of the semi-stray dogs on the base. She is called Ragina, she had puppies last year. She likes sleeping!!


We have far too many Jacka trees here on the base, the fruit is like nothing we have in the UK. It is a very sociable thing to eat, everyone gathers round and shares one. The sap is so incredibly sticky, the only thing that gets it off is cooking oil.

World Cup 2014 News

Stadium coming on nicely!

A rare moment

Laura and the boys just chilling

Animal of the week

This mosquito is full of my blood!


This fruit grows around the base at this time of year. It has to be really ripe and red otherwise it is very bitter!

Animal of the week

The other day all the flying ants came out there where millions of these flying around!  One went in my mouth when I was riding my bike. NOT NICE

Block factory

 As part of our professionalization program we are building a block factory here on the base. This will be a place where we can provide the boys with employment and where they can learn a good work ethic. It is an exiting new development in my work here which I believe will make a real difference in the lives of the boys as they transition into adulthood.   After being her for only 2 weeks, we have leveled the ground,   prepared boxes for a new electricity meter and dug trenches for the water pipes This is the view of the World Cup football stadium from the factory sight

back in Brazil

We have been back in Brazil for a week now. I ( Laura) have had a terrible ear infection and so have got back into work slower than expected. But we are back into some kind of routine. The Boy's house routine has changed as expected. They are all at school now. Which is great. The new boys have either football training club or home tutoring in the morning and school in the afternoon, whilst some of the older boys now have school in the evening, so the house routine has changed a lot. Thanks again to all those who welcomed us in the UK, we miss you already but are enjoying being back in Brazil and we look forward to all that 2013 holds.