
Showing posts from September, 2013

the gallbladder

So last week was a steep learning curve... learning about Medical care here in Brazil, Symptoms of Hepatitis, syptoms of Liver infections.. finding out what a Gallbladder is and what it does.. ( and how ugly it looks..!) In the end after lots of tests, waiting, more tests and more waiting a specialist was concerned enough to keep Tony in the Hospital. Tony was feeling much better by then! The yellow skin and eyes had gone and so had the pain. The doctor was certain it was his gall bladder and took it ( and the offending stones which had started to come out and block his liver) out on Tuesday morning. Surgery lasted about an hour and everything went fine. Its been a slow road to recovery.. Tony is not as young as when he last hospitalised himself. But the last few days he has begun to feel a little normal again other than being very tired. So here is the last week in pictures.. ( WARNING the bottom one is a little gross). which Tony learns about Brazilian medical care

So, Tony has a liver infection. Right now the doctors say its either a Hepatitis A virus ( possible even though we HAVE HAD our vaccines) or a gall stone blocking some tube or other. Either way they are treating the infection and looking to see if it is a gall stone where it is and when to remove. He has been for many tests and has endured many waits in the last 4 days. He was finally admitted into hospital under the care of a specialist last night- thank goodness. This doctor told Tony he wouldn't let him leave until the found the root of the problem. Which is good! Tony is in a good hospital and I had a chance to visit for half an hour this morning. He is in a 2 man shared ward ( but there isn't anybody else in it!) and its quite nice. He has someone with him all the time, to help with translating etc. I will visit tomorrow. He is hungry and bored, but apart from this he is comfortable. Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers. Laura