World Cup Brazil
Thought we'd share a few pictures about how life has been like having the World Cup on our doorstep. I'm not going to rant about how FIFA and the Brazilian government are ridiculously corrupt and how I've seen first hand how they have thrown people out of their home and communities to make new roads .. which haven't even been finished. I'm not going to rant about how loads of tourists bring in sex tourists and how there is a rise in child prostitution.. because there is.. and you all know about it due to the BBC and even that terrible erroneous article in the Mirror (which featured one of our friends and co-workers looking like a pimp as the cover shot...when he is the one working with these girls every week and was the one helping the so called reporter..BIG FAIL Mirror). No I will stop my ranting!! Everyone knows about that side.. and maybe soon we will share some of our experiences.. but for now we want to focus on the good stuff, there HAS been such an am...