On the Rua

Sleep is evading me (laura) and running round in my mind is last Wednesday's visit to the street. Even though it was days ago its still feels raw, if that makes sense. There were less people out as some people are still on holiday. I normally make a list of of the people I've talked to as I think it is special when someone remembers your name, and I want to try and make these kids feel special. My list reads like this:
4th january2012

Marcos-not sure if it's his real name as I tried to guess and he said yes to the first thing I said!
Was with

Josiannie- was so high on glue unable to form too many words but liked to look at my face, incredibly skinny about 13 years old
Sister or friend of

Grace Kelly- told her of famous singer. She had no front teeth and was About 17, looked like she was trying to get buisness,had with her her 4 year old boy Henrique, who was carrying a bag of fake money and asking all the strangers in the placa if they wanted it.

One of the sisters of our boys in casa esperanca,about 15 years old can't believe how much she looks like him. Sleeppin for a while but woke up when someone brought her some food.

One of the ex boys from casa esperanca, now about 20, shouting at and being violent to a younger girl.

Rita, 14 ish,a little chubby, no front teeth and a little crazy ( if I'm allowed to say that!)

Hope- i dont know her real name, but a 2 month old baby girl, left alone on one of the matresses on the floor, inches from the hurtling traffic, whilst mum sniffs glue over the road with the others.

It blew me away and I can't stop thinking about how young that baby is to be living on the streets.

I listened to this song today form Delerious? This line stuck out. " lord I don't know where all this is going, lead me to peace that is past understanding, a peace beyond all doubt" and that's my prayer as I lie here waiting for sleep thinking of Hope and all the others. I haven't got a clue what's going on but I pray for peace for them and me.


Anonymous said…
LOVE YOU AND AM SOO PROUD OF WHAT GOD IS DOING THROUGH YOUR OBIEDIENCE, do your best and try to show them the love you have had as you have grown up, mum xxxxxxx

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